Monday, July 24, 2006

Here kitty kitty...

Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.
And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed!

Hohoho... There are 4 cute little kittens who are less than 2 weeks old at the aloha resort. So cute!! The mother cat is very pretty too. Wonder who the father is. 2 of the kittens look like e mum, tiger-stripped-like, one is black with some white and one is a little black and white and some browns. Actually the staff found the kittens and didn't see the mum and they took them to our office for us to see. And then later I went to a bungalow to put some stuff, wandered to the living room and saw the cat under a table. After that I mentioned that I saw a cat that looks like e 2 kittens and the colleagues in the office said the kittens were found there and told me to check if she's still there. So we took the kittens there reunited them. So the mother was waiting for her kittens there. So touching. At first we put the box in which the kittens were in on the floor to see if she recognised the scent of her kids but she had no reaction. So we took out one and she immediately came towards it. Then we took out all the kittens and the mother looked kinda surprised to see all her kids come out of the box. Ha.. They seemed excited and cos the kids were very hungry ba. Heh that day we stayed back after work to play with them. Ha. Yesterday went back office and took lots of photos and videos. Heh. But also because I accidentally left my phone in the office so had to go back to collect it anyway. =P

Can see the kittens again later...

Friday, July 21, 2006

You Are 8% Cynical

Cynical? Not even close! If anything, you're a bit naive.
Overall, you enjoy life and try not to be paranoid. Even if you've been burned before.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Stared at Adrian Pang a few metres away for 2 hours. Hohoho...

I recently won tics to The Dresser! And they were for the third row seats. From the front. So cool! I'm still not sure if the bottom seats are better or not but it was damn cool to be so near the stage. So close to the actors! Didn't spot any pimples. Ha... Was so thrilled to see Adrian Pang so close. I thought the tics would be for seats far far away. Our seats were at the end of the row though. But it was still very good to me. The theatre was quite small so it wasn't really that big a difference ba. Tics are on sale $35-$50. Still, so close... Wow...

I went to collect the tics only on wed and I was expecting movie tics cos the sms notification only said I won a pair of tics to Dresser. Couldn't remember at all what Dresser was about so I thought it was just a movie. And then I saw the lady bring out sistic tics and I was even more puzzled as to what I had won. Then more shock when I saw the date was for friday. Hmm, maybe if I went to collect earlier I would have gotten better seats. But it was still cool. Feel very arty and grown-up seeing and being with the people there. Ha... Cool... The play itself was very English and erm.. "grown-up", in the words of Tracie Pang, the director and Mrs A. Pang. Was funny and sad. I think I still prefer A Twist of Fate though. I like that story and performance. Funny and many twists. Ha. But I think The Dresser had very clever lighting and set design. And cos we were closer to the stage we could see everything they did. Sir really did drink the tea that Adrian Pang, the dresser, made and fed him. They had a fake fireplace which the kettle sat and he poured water from there into the teapot and poured milk and stirred and fed him. And he drank. Ew... I didn't say that out loud but I made a face. Ha.. Actors very poor thing ah.

Fun fun fun... =)