Thursday, January 25, 2007

Arghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is this such a torture?????!!!!!!!

My wits are turning..... I am going mad.......

Your ideal movie mentor is wise, capable of performing impossible feats - and short.

[Taken from Empire magazine, article titled The Top 10 Movie Mentors]

Life is all about obstacles and how best to overcome them. Whether your goal is winning a trophy, getting laid, seeking vengeance or overthrowing your multitudinous robot oppressors, you're going to have to surmount some kind of seemingly insurmountable barrier along the way. And you're going to need help. Which is where the mentor comes in. Through sage advice, harsh words, rigorous training (often handily accelerated via the ever-useful montage) and the occasional, brutal home-truth, movie mentors are the guys who turn Joe Nobodies into Captain Courageous, shunting our heroes up over that all-important character arc while channelling all of the best dialogue along the way.

Your ideal movie mentor is wise (a trait often hidden beneath a mundane or even comical first-impression facade), capable of performing seemingly impossible feats with little effort an, most importantly, short. Great power, it would appear, comes in small packages. Or at least, it's made more impressive when dealt in small packages; there's clearly a certain visual appeal to your typical big, striding hero being talked down to by a shrimp (not literally, of course). Plus, as the wisest of all mentors once said, "Size matters not."

Yes, Yoda - specifically, Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back - is the most glaringly obvious candidate for the mantle of ultimate movie mentor, and that's precisely why he has to be at number one. Not only has he become the blueprint for almost every mentor since, his name has virtually become a synonym for "guru", and the mangled syntax of his words of wisdom have slipped into the modern lexicon. To whit: "Wars not make one great"; "Do. Or do not. There is not try"; "You must unlearn what you have learned".

Yoda's not just any old mentor, either. He's a Jedi master, the mentor's mentor. It's not just Luke Skywalker he's trained: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu all at one point or another attended Yoda's 12-step program to attain oneness with The Force, or at least basked in his swampy erudition. This guy's a hero factory.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I slack until super nua alr...even though I should be studying for my exam next Sat... I think I will really, really, really miss TV after I start working permanently. Watched A Knight's Tale (because Heath Ledger is in it). Was pleasantly surprised to see Paul Bettany (the albino in The Da Vinci Code) and the movie was actually better than I expected. It was funny and fun, easy on the brain.. Watched The Day After Tomorrow the next day. Queer title but kinda works I guess. It was so cool. Not being lame, thank you. But I think it'll be more impressive in the theatre. And in real life. Then again, you won't see the scale of it if you're in it. Oh talking of impressive, I watched Cirque du Soleil on Arts Central on Mon night. Spectacular. And funny too. Must be very fun to work with so many people. The stunts were damn impressive so of course I know it's tough. But I still like working with so many people. Band practices before the competition and performances were damn hell tiring but I enjoyed them 'cos there were so many suffering with me. Ha. I enjoyed my Pri sch ones the most 'cos the school loved us. Heh. The principal actually allowed us to skip classes just for practices because it was difficult to have the whole band together since we were split into morning and afternoon sessions. And most of the time when we had performances or competitions, we get to eat Macs. I didn't even realise what a priviledge it was until I went to sec sch and we had to pay money to eat lousy buns... Oh well.
I remember when I just joined the pri sch band, every Friday we would gather in the band room, (supposedly to practise but I don't think we actually needed them since there weren't performances coming up or anything) while the rest of the school was supposed to be doing silent reading in the hall. We would be playing (instruments or just simply playing. heh.) in the band room. With air-con somemore. Damn shuang loh. One time the seniors initiated this "competition" and separated us into 2 groups and we were supposed to answer some IQ questions or something to win. Guess who impressed the seniors with all the right answers? Hahaha... I remember this girl on the opposing team was crying 'cos they were losing. Ha.. Oops.. But I think the school sort of realised it was an unfair priviledge so it was gone...I think. Don't remember too well. At some point in my 6 years I remember reading with the rest on Friday mornings so it must have been abolished. Ahh so many fond memories in that band room, or the freezer as we know it on Wed afternoons. Oh we hated the Dance people because they would use the room every Sat morning so we had to practise on the porch. Hmph. Oh we used to pour saliva on the floor so it's actually quite gross for them to be dancing inside. Haha. Yah we were really gross that time. Well we were sitting on chairs when we were inside then. Who knows what they had to do on the floor? Serves them right. Hahaha..

*sigh* Too bad the band room is gone now. They got rid of it when they renovated the school right after we graduated. Damn, if not for that, the band would have gone for an overseas vacation. Instead we had a camp with 2 other schools. I think the band kinda went downhill after they converted from brass band to symphonic band because the conductor said the band would then have a wider range of pieces to play. I suspect he was looking for a bigger challenge after the band won 3 (or more?) consecutive golds. Oops, boasting again. Ha.. Actually I don't really know what happened because I didn't go back to visit. Eh because nobody wanted to go back with me 'cos the school moved to a temporary campus during the renovation. The school is rebuilding soon I think. Again. I'm glad I left just before all these overhauls. Oh I remember packing old books into boxes after PSLE for the big move. That was quite fun. Quite exciting to be moving I guess. But the temporary campus was kinda boring compared to the old school which had quite interesting architecture. I went back to do an aki project in my first year and the teachers were telling me they were rebuilding in 4 years' time (at that time) and asked when I'll be graduating so then they could engage me to design it. Wow I had an aki job in my first year of school already! Because they wanted to retain the feel and design of the old school which is rather unique among the schools here so me having studied in the old school would be very suitable to design. Unfortunately.. I do hope they can get a school alumni to retain the charm of the old architecture of the school.

Ookay..I digressed very far... As usual.. I was watching Project Superstar just now and the girls had to sing a Chen Weilian song. I know a lot of people still snigger and think he didn't deserve to win and all this support he has. But after hearing their renditions, I think his was still the most touching. Not that I don't think him winning Best Newcomer etc in Star Awards was quite duh.. He seriously cannot act loh. And that is not an insult. It is simply a fact. But still I think his songs are touching/emotional/whatever. I dislike cynical people. What, you think you know everything? You know everything that can and cannot happen? People who think they know everything are the truly ignorant ones.

Hmm something happened that I'm beginning to think is a figment of my imagaination because somebody didn't call me back. That person sounded quite desperate so I think she's not one of those stupid unreliable people. And also because she's a professor. Then again, that doesn't really add to her credibility. Once you've lost my trust you're so not going to get it back. Even if it doesn't seem that way to you. You can say I'm petty or whatever. See if I care.

These days I like Simple Plan's Thank You

So thank you for showing me,

That best friends cannot be trusted,

And thank you for lying to me,

Your friendship, the good times we had you can have them back.

Monday, January 15, 2007

You are The Emperor

Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person.

The Emperor is the great authority figure of the Tarot, so it represents
fathers, father-figures and employers. There is a lot of aggression and violence

The Emperor naturally follows the Empress. Like an infant, he is filled with enthuiasm, energy, aggression. He is direct, guileless and all too often irresistible. Unfortunately, like a baby he can also be a tyrant. Impatient, demanding, controlling. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. But that throne can also be a trap, a responsibility that has the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Monday, January 01, 2007