Friday, December 14, 2007

Post a Secret

Christmas makes me happy.. =) But it also makes me wish (more than ever) that I had a better family.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Okie, this entry is one week late.. Last Friday we had our practicum for TESOL and we had to teach in pairs. Me n wb taught Chinese and most of them already knew at least a little Chinese so it was slightly easier. And I think our group was the most fun. Ha.. Maybe 'cos our lesson plan was for children so they were deliberately acting cute. Ha.. And 'cos we played whacko. I was afraid they wouldn't be enthusiastic about such an "active" game but everybody had fun and were laughing throughout. Heng.. I was still wondering what would happen if we failed practicum.

And last Saturday during french class we learned prepositions. We had to practise by writing about what was in the classroom or the picture in the textbook and the rest of the class were supposed to guess. There are several posters in the classroom so I erm decided to be funny. Ha.. My sentence was: It's against/on the wall and to the left of the poster. People were confused and wondering which poster. And my answer was: a poster. Ha.. I think my teacher was probably thinking there was something wrong with my sentence but after I revealed my answer she was very amused. Yay I won the most creative award. Ha..

Today we had to describe people in class and the rest guess who the person is. I used mostly negatives (ie. her shirt is not white, not red etc) and everybody was confused again. Ha.. I won the most creative award again! Ha.. Give award to myself. But I think my french is quite bad. I need to refer to my notes for everything. After I finish my truckload of TESOL assignments then work harder for my french.. Next week is the last lesson le. Will take the next course in Jan.. Très bien!

Found a webpage with jokes about the French. Ha..

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

You Are the Middle Finger

A bit fragile and dependent on your friends, you're not nearly as hostile as you seem.
You are balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious.
However, you can get angry and fed up with those around you. And you aren't afraid to show it!

You get along well with: The Index Finger

Stay away from: The Pinky