Saturday, March 06, 2010

Survivor: Heroes vs Villians

Most exciting tribal council yet! *Clapclapclap!* I'm so So glad JT didn't turn eeky and revolting like Ozzy did the second time around. He did make a conscious decision to not be the nice guy this time but in the end he still chose to do the right thing, in my opinion, because I absolutely can't stand Cirie. Why in the world is she in the Heroes camp?? I can't remember what Candice did in her season and have no idea why I'm a fan of hers on the Survivor website but I clearly remember disliking Cirie.

Picking off the good players, which is the strategy for physically weaker players like Cirie, and having to watch crappy players sucking in challenges is just BAD TV. The challenges are my favourite part of the show. I remember one time two people were competing to start a fire first and they took HOURS. It was so painful to watch that it was funny. Ha.. But seriously, I think it's great that some players have so much regard for the show that they really think the good players should go the distance. Most of them are the good players though so it's in their interests anyway..

So glad Cirie's gone! Yay! I hope this is an omen for good things to come in the weekend!