Thursday, August 26, 2010

Youth Olympic Games

Yay I'm so proud of Singapore! *waves Singapore flag*

Today's the closing ceremony and I saw this on facebook:
Youth Olympic Games Hey Yog fans! We gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night...

I think only those involved would get the joke. The yog venues kept playing this song by the black eyed peas. Haha.

Shall blog about the YOG over the weekend. Whee!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Bizarro dream

I had a really bizarre dream last night/this morning. I can't really remember everything now but I remember waking up and thinking about the dreams and that eventually led to thinking about Inception. Yep.. I wonder when I will stop having Inception being the destination of my train of thoughts when I think about my dreams.

I was reading some articles online and I saw this article about JG-L crashing his bicycle into a cab while filming and having a bloody mess on his arm. Have you ever seen anybody so happy to be needing 31 stitches?

Went and checked out his tweets (of course I'm following him. haha.) which had a link to the pictures and a video he took. Looking at his delighted face you would think the blood and wound were just make-up. He has a ridiculously cute smile. =P

Wanna see a lot of my blood? 31 stitches today. #PremiumRush is gonna be awesome :oD (caution gore)
7:34 AM Aug 1st via Tumblr
Retweeted by you and 100+ others

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Happy weekend

Tadaa! I went for the YOG opening rehearsal and it was great! The memory is a little foggy now but I recall being very excited for YOG to come. =) We weren't supposed to take photos and videos so as not to spoil the surprise for everybody so I was very obedient and didn't bring my camera, which I very much regret! Damn! There were several people in the audience who did take pictures and videos. Hopefully they wouldn't post them on the internet before 14 August, which is the actual opening. I don't think anybody reads my blog but I still shouldn't divulge anything. Some parts were quite impressive and surprising but I think the fact that we are a small country did show because the stage kinda looked a little empty, like we didn't have enough performers to fill the stage. Hmm.. But! Great things come in small packages. Haha..

And the second thing that made me very happy was Inception! Yay I finally watched it... I realised that Saturday morning is a very good time to watch movies alone. =P The show was at 1030 and I only arrived there at 1030 to buy my tickets and there was a rather long queue. Luckily the show didn't start on time. I checked the seating online the night before and there were plenty of seats left but when I bought the tickets there were only about 4 rows left in the centre. I saw a few people going in right after buying tickets too but I think I was probably one of the last, which is great because nobody sat in front or beside me. Yay. I find it very distracting when people's phones light up beside me in the middle of the movie.

Anyways, Inception is really good! And "Arthur" (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is super shuai. I thought he was very cute when (500) Days of Summer was released but he was really very shuai in Inception. Can't really think of an English that sufficiently conveys the meaning of shuai.. Sharp? Suave? And I didn't realise he resembled Heath Ledger so much. They look alike but still can tell they are not the same. But both are very shuai. =)

Because of my erm, slight obsession, I checked out what JG-L had acted in. He was a child actor, acted in Third Rock from the Sun, which I think I did watch a few episodes of but didn't have any impression of his character. I only remembered the old guy. Youtube blocked some episodes from non-American users so I couldn't watch much of it. But he was a rather cute teenager then too.

And then I watched 10 Things I Hate About You which stars both Heath Ledger and JG-L! I watched that long time ago because I studied Taming of the Shrew in school and the movie is an adaptation of that. It's kinda surreal seeing them acting against each other knowing how much he looks like him now. JG-L was still teenage-looking so they didn't look that much alike. But they were both cute in the movie. And the movie is really quite good too.

Anyways, I really enjoyed Inception and I know many people do too. I was first interested in the movie for the actors in it - Ellen Page, Leo Dicap, Cillian Murphy etc. Kinda weird seeing Cillian Murphy play a good guy for a change. Ha. Was kinda happy Ellen Page played an architecture student. =P And that she got to kiss the guy who looks like Heath Ledger. Haha. (Read that Heath Ledger wanted her in the first movie he was going to direct.) I think she's a good actor and I'm happy for her that she got to be a part of this great movie.

Sadly, the weekend is ending. =( And I actually had several things that I should have done. Oops. Ciao!