Monday, September 25, 2006

Silence does not mean consent

Just because I do not bother to speak up (which I really really probably should) and clarify and right the misconceptions people have of me doesn't mean I agree or acknowledge it as the truth. The palmist I consulted (is "palmist" a real word?) said I'm often misunderstood. How sad that it is true. Isn't it sad that the only one who understands me is the fortue teller? He said I'm too blunt and straightforward and that I should tell more white lies (haha) and sing more praises and a third thing I can't remember. And that I think too much and miss out many opportunities. But if I do not think enough I'll say or do stupid things. Which I might regret more than missing out whatever opportunities. I think I'm thinking too much again. Haha.. Anyway in his "analysis" there are many "contradictions". But it shows more of me having a complicated character than his inaccuracy 'cause they all make sense to me. I'm a risktaker and I'm also conservative but they are in different aspects. I think the important thing is that he told me my palms are those of a successful person. Haha.. He said a lot of things lah so it was definitely worth my money. Heh.

I forgot what was the point of this post. Oops. Today my project group walked 1 hour looking for this particular HDB block where the corridor is perfect for our shot in the video that we're supposed to do for our project. I guess it was worth it because it really was perfect. I hope it turned out ok. Hope the whole video turns out as artistic as we hope..

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