Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy anticipation

Yippee it's raining! And my Chinese Calligraphy class is definitely starting this thursday. Yay! Happy happy... This is the happiest I've been these few days. I hate unreliable people. Especially when these people are supposed to be good friends.

Was sneezing from last evening till this afternoon. My nose is sore from all that running and friction. Ouch. And my student was imitating me sneezing yesterday. Idiot. I told him I was allegic to him. Ha..

Been drowsy all day today because of this cold...

Yay, one more day to Calligraphy! I want to learn Chinese ink painting too but unfortunately it's on a thursday too. Hopefully next time can. Want to get a Chinese seal too 'cos the one I have now, I don't understand the writing.. Next time get a super cool one. For now, that one is great too. I've a feeling there's only going to be 5 people in the class. Ha.. The person said last week that they waiting for the class to have 10 people and they only had 4. I doubt there'll be 6 more in just one week. For your info, the class is for adults. They have classes for children so I won't be learning with a bunch of kids.

One more day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Got this off Hossan's blog. Avril is so girly now (compared to before). I especially like the last part of the video..

Avril Lavigne’s new preppy and poppy single will be incomprehensible to some, but not because of her new hard-core Beverly Hills HS cheerleader slut look (that’s a mouthful).

The single “Girlfriend” has been released in 8 different languages, including a wild-ass Mandarin version. Word on the street and industry is that Lavigne worked her Canuk ass off with a language coach to make sure that every word and intonation was correct.

Girlfriend debuted at number one on Japan’s international and domestic charts, which we hear is something unheard of for an English-speaking artist. We also hear that she’s promoting her music through a Japanese-style manga comic, “Make 5 Wishes,” which will distributed via cellphone.

Hossan has the Jap version from youtube on his site too..
(Do I write like I know these people?)

Speaking of jap, I finally took my jap test and passed. Yippee. Considering I neglected it for 4 weeks and studied about 9 hours for it only, my embarrassingly lousy score was quite okay lah. Must console myself.. Lucky the cert doesn't reflect my score. Heh.

The day after the test (which was last week) I went to watch Letters from Iwo Jima and I think I only understood mizu, ichi, conjugations of write and listen. How impressive. Ha..

After watching the movie I still think the Japs are idiotic. Of course there are exceptions to everything and there are good Jap people too, just like not all the Americans in the movie were saintly. Don't think the movie aimed to purely gain sympathy for the Jap, more like pushing the blame to the people at the top. Obviously even if the people at the top were the ones who initiated the stupid and very selfish war, the soldiers weren't merely executing orders. Just like the American who shot the surrendered Japs. They commit evil because they are evil. No excuse. I think the most disgusting thing is that they refuse to admit to their perversely cruel war atrocities. Come on man. What the heck is your definition of honour? Definitely not the same as ours. Admit and apologise so the whole world can get over it already. You think by not admitting the whole world won't know the truth? I'm very curious as to what exactly do they write in their history textbooks about it. But I won't be able to read it. Ask wb translate for me. Heh. I remember in Sec 1 or 2 our history class was talking about WWII and the teacher was saying something about forgive and forget and Adeline said can forgive but cannot forget. The unremorseful doesn't deserve forgiveness. Not that they would care for it anyway.

The movie was not too bad I guess. There was one stupid Jap who did something very stupid and I don't understand the purpose of his existence. To mock them? It's very weird... Anyway, is it me or is Saigo's survival the most exciting part of the film? The shit pot scene was almost too exciting for me. Ha..

Oh and I watched The Pursuit of Happyness too. Jaden Smith is so cute! So cute! Kf said the person behind her kept saying "co cute" throughout the show. Ha.. The last knock-knock joke he told was damn cute. Not just the joke but Will Smith's response too. It's a very sweet show.