Friday, June 08, 2007

Went to check out my hood colour for my academic gown (finally), even though I'm still not going. Think it's too late to change my mind anyway. Feel like buying the gown et al just for the heck of it because I like the colours. Poppy red and white. National colours! =) Must see if I'm feeling rich at that time. Online ordering has ceased so can only order it at the hall 22-29 June and I'll have time to think about it. I checked my commencement date too. It sucks! 10am on a Wednesday and it's only for bachelor degrees for my dept. And it's the last day! 11 July. The master degrees for my dept and dentistry are on the previous day, a Tuesday, at 8pm. Why does NUS always bully my dept? Hmph. I'm glad I'm not attending 'cos there wouldn't be anybody I know, I think, and don't think a lot of people (if any at all) would want to go there on a Wed morn for me. Oh well. Can still buy the gown and take photos in future with other people..

ooo..i graduated! hey it's red too!

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