Sunday, November 18, 2007

X'mas is a-coming...

I like my blogskin now. =) sorry about that dumb strip of black. It's supposed to be the division between the profile column and posts column but I shifted stuff so I can put bigger fonts. Anyone knows how to add colour background behind the text? I've tried everything I know.. which is quite limited in the first place. =P At least I managed to change the colour of the text. But I'm still annoyed. If it's really annoying to you, please let me know..

Anybody knows where I can buy decent, not-ugly, not-auntie foldable umbrella? I accidentally left my black Espirit umbrella on the bus the other day. Called the interchanges at both ends but couldn't find it. =( On Saturday I walked all over AMK Hub trying to find a decent foldable umbrella and the only ones I found were the not very pretty ones in NTUC Xtra. Because it was pouring, and there was no shelter to the French school I was going to, I bought the Giordano long brolly. I was already late for class. And, when I reached Newton, the rain had stopped and it didn't rain the rest of the day. Now isn't that great? I was late and bought a brolly for nothing. ^@#*..

Ok, enough complaining. I think my French class is very fun. Heh. Teacher let us play game for almost an hour to familiarise ourselves with numbers. We played in 2 groups of 6 and 7. Each group has 6 die and everybody takes turns to roll the dice. No. 1 is 10 points and no. 5 is 5 points. Everything else is zero points, except for triplets and "royal flush". You keep the die that have points and can choose to continue rolling the rest for more points or stop to keep your points. If none of the die u roll have points, you lose your previous points and get Zéro points. At every roll we're supposed to announce our points in French.

Our group kept rolling till we got zero or had really high points. But most of the time we had zero. Ha.. It didn't help that everytime the teacher came by she was urging us to continue rolling. Ha..

I kept getting my die on the floor. Hey, that little thing supposedly a table attached to the chair is small.. And my hands are small and the die are big so I have little control. =P The (pregnant) lady (who's married to a Frenchman) beside me said the next time i dropped the die I'm disqualified. Ha..oops. Cos I did drop again.

I remember I enjoyed my Elementary 1 Jap class too but Elementary 2 wasn't as fun. Not because it was more difficult, but the "atmosphere" of the class wasn't as fun. Because the people were different? So sad.. But at least I like French a lot more than Jap. Teacher didn't ask why I'm learning French. I was going to say because I played the French Horn. Ha..

Au-revoir~ Bonne nuit~

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