Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sweet Sixteen =P

Ah, sounds of thunder. I hope it pours soon. Heh. The other afternoon at work thunder kept booming so violently that I could feel the vibrations. I wonder if anything was struck down. Our building is really oooold..

Speaking of old.. We went to Timbre on my birthday and the band was loud and great. Heh. So much better than my previous experience at Timbre. Although my grasshopper tasted like medicine.. Raj always drinks it in The Big Bang Theory so was wondering what it tastes like. I like Sheldon's Shirley Temple better.

Anyways, the band was EIC and I'm quite sure I've seen one of the lead singers on TV before. Can't remember in what programme though. Both lead singers were funny and entertaining. I shall keep the only negative comment about the band to myself. Ha..

Somebody at our table suggested we request for Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend. Heh. It was the first request the lead singer saw after their break and they were like err.. He just did a little of "Hey hey you you" to patronise us. Ha.. It was very funny. And it led to other people making ridiculous requests too. I suggested requesting Taylor Swift and Jonas Brothers. Another table with a birthday girl requested for Lady Gaga and the singers seemed a bit uneasy because they weren't sure if all the requests were just in jest or were serious requests. Haha.. The lead singer was half apologising that the requests weren't in their repertoire and told us not to request any more girls' songs, "no Taylor Swift". Heh. We didn't actually request that. Oh yah in the end they succumbed and sang a boy band song. So funny.. Next time shall request Adam Lambert. He's the gayest male singer now right? Oo, Beatles! I wonder if they can go that high. I forgot which song they sang and he could sing damn fast! He just rattled on rapidly. Very impressed. Kinda sounded a little like Tamil to me at some point though..

When we left we could still hear the band from quite far away. Maybe because the area was quite deserted so they could have the music much louder. Me like me music LOUD. =)

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