Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Damn Danielle

For picking Aras over Terry in Survivor-Exile Island... I knew she couldn't be trusted. Probably why T didn't give her the hidden immunity idol, in case it was a ploy to vote him out. What does she mean she doesn't know what to do cos she didn't expect to be in that position? She totally expected to ride along with whoever won the last challenge? I thot the deal was that whoever won wld take the other to the final 2. Not if T wins he'll bring D. duh... I really do not like to call ppl stupid, but she can't even keep her lies straight. It's like she's just using words that she doesn't know the meanings to.

Judging by her rationale to bring the one she stands the most chance of winning against, I was kinda hoping that she'll be stupid enough to bring T. Ha.. Even tho it's quite obvious that she's the least deserving of all so almost anyone could win against her. Maybe she could have won a few more votes and integrity had she taken T on the basis that he's the most deserving and that they did have a pact.

I was so upset and annoyed that T was out (tho 14 is one of my fav numbers...) until I remembered he won the car. Ahh!! The curse of the car. Damn. Towards the end of the Reunion Jeff pointed out that T kept the car curse alive. Ha..

Well, I suppose at least he got the car. And in the end, all is forgiven, and everybody is happy. At least, looked like on tv. Except Shane. So funny that in the last tribal council he was so annoyed with Courtney using his shoulder for support everytime she left or went back to her seat. He siam so far away. He is one funny wack...

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