Saturday, May 20, 2006

Meant to be

Hip Hip Hippies! Wow they came in last twice and escaped elimination Both times and won in the end. They are the Amazing in The Amazing Race. Its so cute to hear Tyler speaking Japanese in Japan. Fluent Japanese. Aparently cos he had(or has) a Japanese girlfriend so he's familiar with the country too. Actually the frat boys were really good too but their attitudes suck like nobody's business. Sheesh, did they need to look so pissed off at the last pit stop? As if the million dollars is rightfully theirs. If they showed more sportsmanship I would think they deserved to win too. Besides, they won many travel packages from being first in several legs of the race so there really is no reason to be so sore. Sore Losers... Previously in one episode they were really pissed that they arrived second, I think maybe it was after their winning streaks or just cos they were annoyed to be behind the Hippies, and Phil said something like, Gee couldn't you guys be a little happier? It wasn't even the last pit stop and they were annoyed to be second? Ego overload? I love it when the host voices the viewers' disapprovals. Ha..

Actually I knew the Hippies won before watching the episode and I was wondering how they won cos the frat boys were leading a bit and the only challenge seemed to be navigating on the roads which both teams were equally well in. Wow BJ did so well in the very last task. Yay...

I think its nice that almost everybody won something in this race. The good teams anyway. Ray and Yolanda won the car and the golden gnome thing, even Fran and Barry won a travel package from being first in one leg. Thay are another amazing couple.

Nice guys don't finish last.

Oh I remember something funny. In Japan, the frat boys and the Hippies left somewhere around the same time to Hotel Nikko and they went on different roads, each thinking that they were on the right way. Turns out the frat boys were on the right road but the Hippies were on the faster one. So they arrive first, around midnight (?) and asked the counter if they could use their internet access which on upstairs. Before leaving the counter, Tyler told the guys at the counter to pretend they didn't understand english. So a while later, the frat boys came, didn't see the Hippies, thought they went the wrong way and went to the counter to ask about internet access. The guy at the counter somehow couldn't bear to not reply their enquires and told them they didn't have internet access. Haha. So then they were really puzzled as to why such a big hotel didn't have internet access but nevertheless used the telephone to make enquiries to the airlines. After the Hippies were done with the internet, they see the frat boys in the lobby from upstairs and decide to walk down from the back (or somewhere) and pretend that they just arrived. Eric or Jeremy then tells them that the hotel doesn't have internet access, expressing his surprise, hiding the fact that they already made enquires via the phone, and the Hippies just returned the expressions of surprise and they just sat there waiting for the shuttle bus to take them to the airport. The camera then shows the guys at the counter laughing to themselves. Haha... A pity this didn't give them any advantage whatsoever though, cos all 3 teams turned out taking the same flight. Oh well... It was funny though. Ha..

Was it just me or did BJ look a little scared of Eric and Jeremy at the last pit stop cos they looked so pissed? Bullies.

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