Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Was late for my very first lecture. Oops. I shall be hardworking starting tonight, wednesday night. Cos I have no lessons on Thursday so no distractions. After all, it's my life I'm screwing up...

I hope I won't be too busy this sem to study hard.. Almost forgotten what it's like to study hard. Was giving tuition just now (thank god she is really finally improving, though still quite slow) and was thinking how in jc yr1 I was so hardworking-ly doing math questions in tys from early afternoon till it was dark in my room. I was practically doing all the questions in the chapter. And then I remember the moment I looked at my A level results. Haii.......... I still remember Cat Ang (Econs teacher) was so so happy with my econs results. She was so excited when we were queuing up to get our slip. She asked me if I had a tutor (which sounded kinda foreign to me cos I never had a tutor) and she gave me such a big hug. I was thinking if I got a C and she is this excited then I'll be damn insulted. Haha. Hai I wish I got A for math and B for econs instead... Wah lao I really experienced a mini "qing tian pi li" loh. I guess I should have prepared myself for that ba. I was only prepared to do badly for the other subjects. I think I disappointed my math teacher too. Sian. Argh. So frustrating.

Oh this morning I suddenly remembered I still owe Chee Kiang cd. Oops. I don't think he's going to get it from me after all.. Very paiseh and awkward to give him now also. And I don't think I remember my construction details to finish it. Don't want him to use it as bad example anyway. =P

Shall go to sleep now...

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