Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yesterday I watched The Departed. Bleah it was bad.. Don't know if it was because I knew the story but I felt it was very dreary. Very unlike the Hong Kong version, which had very clean, bright pictures. In my impression I think.. Matt Damon and Andy Lau damn different loh. Andy Lau was very shuai, slick, charismatic..was Matt Damon ever considered shuai? I know it's because of the Boston context lah, but it was very sian for me..not exciting at all. Leonardo DiCaprio looked quite psycho in most of the film loh. Why is he so high-strung? Don't see any of the other gangsters being so uptight like him. Think he emoting much too much.. But I liked the beginning and ending. Don't think the HK one really showed their past much in the beginning right? I only remember they showed a bit in the police academy. The Departed showed how Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson met and more of their past relationship. The ending was quite funny. Ha.. I liked the rhythm of it. Shall not spoil it for those who are going to watch it.

Oh one aspect of the film I liked was how the sound they made when they closed their flip phones. I like the clicking sound. Ha.. My phone makes the sound too. Yay. Haha.. But I felt it was kind of weird that they communicated through sms. Thought they'll have some more intelligent communication methods. Like Tony Leung's morse code. I thought it was quite clever that the wires were put outside the window.

One major huge complaint I have is that there is too freaking much blood. The excessive cursing, usage of the f-word and crude insults I can accept but the blood was eww... Especially Jack Nicholson's death loh. I didn't even watch that part. Jack Nicholson is really convincingly disgusting in the film. Ha..that was a compliment..

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