Monday, November 06, 2006

Singing slugs and evil laughs

J'adore Flushed Away!! It's great. So so soo funny! Be still, my heart.

Damn I can't find a pic online of the Toad on the phone with the mime. It's hilarious. Couldn't stop laughing. Ha.. I really didn't know Ian McKellen and Hugh Jackman can be so funny and so cute. Ha.. Goes to show how versatile my favourite actors are. And what good sense of humour! Haha.. Even though I couldn't really imagine them doing such voice performances before this, I could easily recognise Ian McKellen's voice. Think his voice is quite unique. I couldn't really recognise Hugh Jackman's voice at first even though I knew that voice is his. But after a while could recognise his voice lah. Dunno if it's because he used a slightly higher pitch than his normal voice for this movie. Read that in a review online somewhere. Anyway the movie is extremely funny! Must must must must must must watch. I don't mind watching it again. Heh. Can't wait for the DVD to come out. Can't wait to buy the soundtrack! The music is great. LOVE the singing slugs. At first they seem kinda gross, but they're just so silly and *musically-inclined* that I find them super cute now. According to Min I can imitate them quite well. Ha..

But I love the toads more. They're damn funny. Ian McKellen is seriously hilarious. My favourite scene, as mentioned, is the one with the Toad (Ian McKellen) on the phone with the miming french toad. You have to see it to know it. His evil laughter is just super funny. Didn't know Ian McKellen can be so silly and corny. Haha. Le Frog and his hedgemen are quite funny too. Makes me want to relearn and improve my french. Heh. "Le fruitcake" apparently means loony according to Le Frog. So funny how they kept poking fun of the English. One scene showed a World Cup Final match between Germany and England and the TV frame 2 English players at the goal post and another English player kicking the ball in. So silly. There are many intertextual references in the movie. The online review I read said you have to watch several times to catch them all. Some are quite obvious lah, like the review's example of Roddy (Hugh Jackman) choosing between Elvis and Wolverine outfits. I caught the reference to Finding Nemo. When Roddy was washed down the sewage a fish asked him if he's seen his dad (or asked him where his dad was). Some of it couldn't recognise exactly where they were from but were kinda cliche movie scenes type. The slugs are damn funny. If you watch the movie you'll know why I mention this here.

Oh the game at is fun too. Heh.

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