Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Early mornings...

...are rewarded with Hossan.

Ha.. This week almost everyday have to wake up early to work in school.. I don't mind working but I prefer to sleep in in the morning. At least in the morning can listen to Hossan Leong on Power 98. (Yay. Ha..) Playing the Flushed Away games at their website is making me lose sleep. =P But they're quite fun. There are 25 games, which will allow you to earn a bubble to burst and then after that you answer a question using the letters in the bubbles. Something like that. But after each game you are also able to download some stuff, like audio tracks, pics etc. Reminds me of my new media module about interactive media, how the companies try to get people interested in their websites and products by having such gimmicks and "rewards". Oh anyway, the exact words of "Nemo" in Flushed Away is 'Have you seen my dad?'

Love the screaming slugs. Aaahhhh!!!

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