Friday, November 10, 2006

What's your secret?

Today in class this guy introduced this website where people are invited to write secrets on a postcard and mail it to the person. As in real physical mail.
Mail your secrets, or other correspondence, to:

13345 Copper Ridge Road
Germantown, Maryland
USA 20874-3454

I like this secret:


Oh yes I finally got my laptop serviced. A guy at the computer centre straightened out all the messed up gibberish. Yay.. Thank you thank you.. He very observant leh, my watch's logo so tiny he can even tell its adidas. Anyway, I finally have colours and pictures on my msn. That guy was asking how long i've had problem with my msn and I said some months. So paiseh. Ha.. Actually I think it's been almost a year. Didn't even realise it's been that long. Eh but nobody online for me to steal emoticons from... And I can finally use my gmail properly also. etc etc... I shall not ever meddle with laptop stuff.. Oh yah the guy reset something so I lost wb's blog add cos I didn't add it to my favourites. Oops. =P

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