Thursday, April 19, 2007

100th post!

..and feeling quite suay today...

Today I tripped and fell on the lib stairs while hurrying up. Was feeling very suay so I knelt there and said Ouch. It was painful k. Have a bruise on my knee now. This nice girl walking beside me (a little in front) was a little shocked by it and asked if I was okay. I said yah and forgot to thank her. Reminded me of that time I tripped and fell on the stairs of the overhead bridge while trying to rush home to catch Lost. Because it was gravel surface I hurt my toes badly. It was quite dark so I didn't realise there was so much blood. Was wondering why it hurt so bad. I stood there quite long and looked back to see if I was blocking anybody's way. There was this lady a distance behind pressing her mobile phone. On the steps of an overhead bridge. Who stops midway on the overhead bridge to use the phone? I stood there a bit longer (in pain) before walking off. Midway on the bridge the lady was maintaining the same distance away from me. Duh. You don't want to walk past me because you don't want to have to help me or something, right? No need to be so hypocritical loh. I wouldn't grab you and beg you to send me home when you walk past me. If she had just walked past me I wouldn't think anything of it.

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