Saturday, June 02, 2007

If only school was like this cool

Huimin, did you watch this? It reminded me of Harry Potter because it made me wish I was in Hogwarts. The moving stairs and the Dinner and the magic looked so freaking fun. And Freddy the drummer in School of Rock reminded me of Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter. Oh Zack the lead guitarist reminded me of Allan, but a quieter Allan. Ha.. Anyway the kids were really playing the instruments in the film. They're really good. "Zack" (Joey Gaydos Jr.) released his own album in Dec 2004 and he was 13 in 2004. Amazing.
The kids are so cute. Sigh I feel old...


Anonymous said...

i shall assume u onli know one hm (its a very common name)... ha... anyway i din watch tt movie leh. can see tt they are a source of inspiration for ur funkeh electric guitarist dream~ let me see.. when i was 13.........................

yevil said...

I noe more than one but u're e only one who reads this..