Friday, July 04, 2008


Today 2 ladies in the office building told me separately that some moron complained about the cats and they're going to send them away. The first lady told me at noon somebody sent an email telling them not to feed the cats. The second lady told me in the evening that she called the moronic man about it and the man was quite rude. And that she was told the SPCA will be putting them down. What the hell? The second lady is really nice and she feeds the cats everyday. She told the moron, who said that because we had been feeding the cats, they had been pooing around. I have never in my life seen cat poo around. Is that moron hallucinating? Because he said there's another yellow cat around and he's the only one who's seen it. That freak is disturbed. The nice lady said the cats have been around for a long time and they've never bothered anyone. She even told the stupid man she's willing to go around to pick up cat poo. So nice. She might be bringing the cats home. I hope she does.. In case she decides to leave that dumb place who lets one single moronic freak take away two innocent cat lives. The lady works on the ground floor where the cats are so I think she'll protect them. I hope. I didn't see the bigger, blacker cat at all today. I'm so pissed off with that bastard. I hope he sees me feeding the cats and confront me so I can personally verbally abuse his sorry ass.

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