Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A new month

The chatty cleaning auntie who comes in the office to take away rubbish and who fed the cats is not working there/here anymore because they changed cleaning companies and the new company hired their own people. Lucky there's another lady who feeds the cats. But I wonder if they're hungrier than usual. I accidentally fed them quite a lot just now. Oops. And I had to stand there to stop the fatter cat from eating the other cat's share. So greedy..

The boss wants me to set up my own company so he can engage my "company" to do drawings for his presentations. And because he wants me to hire prison people because he can't contact them himself. (Something to do with the top people.) An ex-colleague is working with the prison in the yellow ribbon project so she told him she has people who can draw. So i'm supposed to become a boss. What joy. I feel like it's forced down my throat though. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I hate people who want to do too much and mess up everything. When you bite off more than you can chew, you choke. What one wants to do with themselves is their problem but when it affects others it's just irritating.

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