Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I LOVE this song ---------------SO--------------- much!

Official music video (Embedding disabled)

This is "It's the way you make me feel" by Steps. And it makes me feel happy! I've been trying to remember this song for AGES. I only remembered it came out the same time as Bardot when we were in Sec 4 and I vaguely remembered "Steps" - not knowing if it was the band name or part of the song title. I finally googled "steps" and after snooping around I finally found it! Hoorah! The reason this song makes me happy is because it reminds me of my happy Sec 4 times, hanging out with friends, at Christina's place or wherever. I think mainly Christina's place. Heh. And we would watch this music video, amongst others and including Bardot's. After 'O' levels was like the happiest time of my life! No homework, no need to find job, just play, play, play! I'm sure I was bored at some point and unhappy but I don't remember that. Sigh. I miss school... I can't believe I even miss P.E. But at least we could play several different games. From pri to uni I have tried soccer, baseball, tennis, volleyball, badminton, swimming (which I didn't like), floorball, hockey (I think), fencing, and other non-descript games. I think one of the best things about school is being able to try many different things. I definitely don't regret not having any other ECA that is not band because I really like being in the band. But I do wish I could have played some sports more. I'm quite sad I couldn't try archery and shooting in school.. =( I wanted to try archery in uni but the time always clashed with aki. =( I think aki deprived me of a uni life. Damn. But I got a unique experience in aki ba. At least I got to try fencing in uni. It was fun. =) But the suit was damn hot. Maybe it's because we were taking turns to wear the same suits. I wouldn't mind taking it up again. =) Kinda miss olympics. =P

Oh I found this.

Forgot Michael Jackson has a song called "The way you make me feel". I like this song too. No idea when and where this performance was at but must be a long time ago because Britney still looks good. Ahem.

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