Monday, September 01, 2008


-----Email Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:45 PM
Subject: RE: prep for suicide

I want to clean my mess of a room before I commit suicide. But I'm a huge procrastinator. And so the mess just keeps piling up.

I laughed when I saw that because it sounds exactly like me. I was reading the papers about the 2 boys who fell/jumped couple weeks ago. Last Monday I was at Guang Ming Shan for my grandma's 49th day and waiting for some relatives to arrive when a van drove in for cremation purposes. It wasn't the first I've seen since I've been there several times but I was a little shocked to see the photograph was of a teen boy. I didn't realise it was one of the two boys I heard in the news until I read the papers today. Eh, my aunts and uncles were discussing about it after and they didn't really know what happened too and the conclusion was to read the papers. My cousin said they very kaypoh. =P It was quite sad because the parents and elders of the Chinese boy couldn't be there because of Chinese traditions and only a few siblings and maybe cousins could be mourning. The undertaker had a person to guide them. But there were many classmates and schoolmates there at the cremation. I only saw one girl crying and her friend was comforting her. I was a little surprised they didn't look very upset.. But from the picture in the papers maybe the commotion happened mainly outside but I was inside so didn't see.

I wonder if the other Thai boy has people taking care of his affairs because he lives only with his grandmother here. I remember when I was in Pri 6 a schoolmate committed suicide too and her parents asked reporters not to report it too conspicuously because they didn't want to upset her grandmother and didn't want to tell her. I think they intended to tell her she went overseas to study. So sad.

Oh and I read about this stupid Hongkong tycoon who was trying to claim a piece of land where an 86-year-old elderly lady raised her family with her husband and still currently working on the farm. A frigging 14-year litigation. Excuse me, you're a frigging billionaire and you bugged a poor old lady and her small family for a piece of land that is their life, and which is like a stick of gum to you. What the hell is wrong with you? At least the old lady won. I don't understand why it took so long though. Dumb.

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