Friday, September 19, 2008

The Saturday Night Live Tina Fey as Sarah Palin skit, if you haven't seen it yet

This is so funny. I'm embarassingly ignorant of current affairs but I still got the jokes. This is really funny. My god if they win..I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry. I would definitely be disgusted.

Clip can be found here.

"Hilary": I believe global warming is caused by man.
"Palin": And I believe it's just God hugging us closer.

I can't believe there are people who don't believe in global warming! It's one thing to not care but to think it's some conspiracy or godknowswhatthey think. It's beyond what my pretty little head can comprehend. I didn't even think that there are people who don't believe in global warming until I read in dooce about her very mormon mum not believing in it. I'm thinking of something about mormon that's rude. I don't want to risk getting in touble for writing it here. But I think americans like to make fun of mormons anyway. In That '70s Show Red sometimes says in exasperation that he feels like a mormon because the kids are always in his house. (Mormons have many children.) Ok never mind.

Here are some SNL clips with Michael Phelps. =)

This is a spoof on the T-Mobile ads about who are your favourite 5. Almost didn't recognise Michael Phelps.

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