Friday, September 26, 2008


I was having trouble falling asleep last night because of this stupid cold that's been bugging me all week. Damn irritating. Anyway I was still awake at 6am so decided to listen to Morning Jam at power 98. I must be a little delirious from the lack of sleep because I smsed in when they were talking about graduation songs. It was SO surreal hearing Joe read out part of my message. Ha.. But I think it was read out only because the three of them wanted to say 小虎队 xiao hu dui in unison on english radio. Ha.. When I was in p1, or actually maybe p2, I had a classmate who was crying so tragicly because the p6s were leaving. Eh, didn't know why she was so upset.. She was the only one upset. Maybe few others also cried because she was crying. A p6 senior was trying to console her saying they would visit etc. I remember I was drawing on the blackboard. Anyway they were using this 小虎队 song for their graduation but I can't remember the name.. I remember it's a very sad song but I can only remember the dragonfly song now. I'll put it in the music tab when I find it. =) So funny hearing them get excited about saying 小虎队 on radio. Ha..

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