Saturday, September 27, 2008

60th Emmy

I realised I hadn't blogged about the Emmy's. The highlight for me is definitely Josh Groban's medley of TV themes. I thought the Law & Order solemn gong was damn funny. Ha.. I definitely didn't know he was this talented and funny.

Oh and I was very happy that Lee Pace from Pushing Daisies was nominated for best actor. =) I was clapping away. Ha.. But I don't mind Alec Baldwin from 30 Rock winning the award.

When I saw Kristin Chenoweth from the show I was reminded that I wanted to check her height. When I rewatched the series my first reaction of her entrance was that she looked super short beside Lee Pace (who is very cute =)). Anyway, she is the same height as me. So now I know how short I'll look beside Hollywood people. Ha.. Anyway she looks much better in short hair, in my opinion. Oh, can you believe she's 40 this year? Do short people look younger? Anyway, that makes her the same age as Billy Boyd. Just one month and 4 days apart.

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