Saturday, February 21, 2009

When I grow up I want to be like Ellen Page

Happy Birthday to Ellen Page! who turns 22 today. Ya, she's younger than me. But barely.. (Can I stay 24 forever? 25 sounds so old.. Boo..)

I've only seen two of her films but I absolutely Love Juno - which is pretty obvious - and I've liked Shadowcat aka Kitty Pryde in X-Men before she played the character in X-Men III: The Last Stand. I wasn't so sure I liked her as Kitty at the beginning of the movie, but eventually she really kicked ass and had some pretty cool lines. I think she called Juggernaut dickhead. =) Yes that's considered a cool line to me. Ha..

And after Heath Ledger's incident, I read that he was working on directing his very first film (or something close to that) and he intended to get or had asked Ellen Page to be in a starring role. So that definitely scores a lot of points. I hope I didn't hallucinate that article..

Plus, I've only heard/read good things about films that she did. I've been wanting to watch Hard Candy but didn't want to watch thrillers over Christmas.

I saw this picture >>>
while searching for pictures and found
this article saying
The star of teenage pregnancy drama comedy "Juno" Ellen Page is said to be cast in a new psychological thriller for Mandate Pictures. According to Variety, the acclaimed young actress is set to star alongside Cillian Murphy, the actor who portrayed Scarecrow in blockbuster superhero film "Batman Begins".
I kind liked him as scarecrow (the psycho) in Batman Begins. Heh. I like the his last scene where Batman scared him and he rode off on his horse like a scared little girl. Haha..

Oh she apparently has a nickname 'The Tiny Canadian".. She is 2 inches taller than me.

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