Sunday, February 08, 2009

"Spring cleaning"

I was looking at the blogs that I had favourited to clear those that I don't read anymore, and because I've read all my regular ones. I had intended to delete this one but I saw this post about Heath Ledger, dated same as my own on 22 Jan. Hers is a repost from 31 Jan, 2008. I agree with almost everything except I don't know Brad Renfro.

...For me when someone talented, interesting and special dies regardless of whether I knew them on a personal level, or admired their talent from a far, I grieve. The last two weeks have seen the death of two talented young men first Brad Renfro and then Heath Ledger. The minute I learned of each I had the same initial reaction.

1. Utter shock (stomach drops)

2. Disbelief (Heart races)

3. Curiosity (Reading as much as I could on initial reports)

I wonder why I don't read this blog often..

Oo tomorrow is the big lunch.. Yum.. =) I feel a little cheapskate. =P

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