Thursday, January 29, 2009

I was surfing around for my "musique blog" and found some cool Juno stuff. =) How do I make an emoticon with a wider grin than that? If you click on the "ears" tab you can see some videos of Juno songs. They're really cute. The songs. And so's this (if it works):

Found here. I read in one of the youtube video comments that this commenter went to school with her. Why don't I have cool schoolmates like that? =P Oh I think I saw a pri sch classmate at lunch today. She didn't see me though. I met her in NUS few years ago so I know she remembers me.

I had put more of the jargon jenerator but they seem to all play the same clip so I'm putting the whole thing here.

When I previewed it it sounded like lots of Junos talking at the same time. Reminded me of Agent Smiths. Ha..

I think I fixed the code.. But they'd end up talking at the same time. Dang. Click on "fo shizz" yourself k?

I uploaded a few songs from the soundtrack into my phone and set one as my ringtone. I was listening to my mp3 player while walking to buy dinner and suddenly I was wondering why I was hearing 2 songs playing at the same time. Haha..

Oo I just found Juno hamburger phone widget.. I'm so going to get a hamburger phone. I think the funniest scene is where the father asked Juno who's the father and when she told him, he made a face and went, "Really?", like it's a damn weird choice and her best friend got excited and went, "Yeah! I know, right?" And Juno looked annoyed like, what's wrong with him? You have to watch it.

Yes, I'm obsessed and I care not!

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