Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It has oddly really felt like a new year

I can't believe my first post of the year was so boliao.. Oh well.

Fyi, since I just read the last comment, if you want to find a post containing something, you can type the keywords in the box on the top left corner of the blog and click search blog.

I was out with a friend, "Dawn", today and we were talking about getting English names. I bug people to get and yet I don't use one. =P I think I want somebody to do it with me. Ha.. I can't really decide on a name anyway but non-Chinese people really have trouble remembering my name so it's sometimes frustrating. Plus even Chinese people mishear my name. Somehow I can't bring myself to tell people verbally to call me Ye. It sounds too happy. =S It's just that it might be a little difficult to get used to another name. I was thinking about calling myself Tiny. Ha.. Many people like to call or refer to me as the small one but Small doesn't sound like a name. "Tiny" at least sounds a bit more name-like. But do I really want people who work under me in future (obviously in future) to call me that? Maybe I can spell it as Tyni..? Does that look like it's pronounced tee-nee?

On my way home I saw a couple of things that we talked about earlier and I felt like I was in the movie Bedtime Stories. The Adam Sandler movie where the bedtime stories his nephew and niece come up with happen in real life. I saw a cat in my neighbourhood, which had been almost completely devoid of cats for almost a month. The cats downstairs disappeared too. I quite missed them. And in my block's void deck, somebody was cutting a girl's hair. As in a proper haircut with the proper cloth thing that keeps the hair away from your clothes etc. ??? It was kinda weird..

Last of all, I'm very happy Heath Ledger won the best supporting actor in the Golden Globes for his role of Joker in The Dark Knight. Unfortunately I didn't watch the award show because I had a cold and went to bed early. I wore my "gambling" earrings which had on each side a dice and 2 cards, the top one being the Joker card and the back one an Ace to celebrate his win. I hope he wins the Oscar too because I think he deserves to win at least one Oscar. ...I hope I didn't just jinx it..


Anonymous said...

ha.. Tiny wun be good cos u might turn out to be a topic for guys talk... cos in a comp game, DOTA, think there is a character called tiny and i think my frens find it a joke. and there is a guy i know called Yet. so.. there you go. btw i searched your blog before That comment! i tried reid, criminal minds and even cute... hahaha.. but none turned up.

yevil said...

but i found it by searching "criminal minds" leh. "Yet"? Eh? Why? I must see what tt character look like first..