Monday, January 19, 2009


I was reading somebody's blog yesterday and she was talking about how she had her email add since she was 14 and she was looking at her old emails. I so want to look at my old emails! But my oldest emails are only from 2004 and most of them were just some forwarded mails. I can't remember any of my passwords to my old emails. I wanted to login to my neopets account but I can't remember the password and I can't even remember which email add I used to sign up for it. Urgh. Damn. Damn damn damn.. I had so many points and stuff in that account.

I lost internet connection for several months in Sec2 and lost contact with a couple people I had been emailing. I can't even remember some of their names. Oops. =P IRC was actually quite fun for talking to random-and-yet-not-so-random people..

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