Monday, September 06, 2010

Not just young at heart

I look freakishly young too! I'm beginning to think it's not very natural for me to be looking so young. Maybe I am a vampire after all. Muahaha...

I know I'm supposed to blog about YOG long ago and now it's old news liao. But I'm still too nua now to blog about it. Oops. Last week our team met up for dinner and our manager (not sure why) started talking about how she can tell who were students and who were working already, except for me. The guy opposite me, a poly student who was working same area, said incredulously that he thought I was a student too. His tone sounded like, wah lao eh you look bloody damn young. Ha..

Another girl who is also working, sounded a little indignant when she said actually she can pass off as a student if she ties up her hair too. I do agree that she does look young with her hair tied up but beside me, I'm sorry but I really spoil the market lah.

Anyway I miss the positive energy and enthusiasm that my fellow volunteers had. Especially when compared to the office... -.-" And I'm so pissed off with all the negative comments and rants that I read online regarding the YOG. Wtf. I think those whiners are just spoilt brats who are really the ones disgracing Singapore. Do you have nothing better to do than to complain? Would it kill you to just enjoy this rare opportunity that we have or if not, just keep your hole shut? Yes we need feedback to progress but we don't need whiners. Sure, it wasn't perfect but can people give more constructive criticism instead of just slamming and whining about how it inconveniences you?

Well at least among the complaints there were some positive people who still supported the games. Why are some Singaporeans so mercenary? Bleah. I'm glad I enjoyed myself and if people want to wallow in negativity and be miserable that's their problem.

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