Thursday, June 01, 2006

Flights of Freedom

Warning: Do not read if you do not want to know what happened in X-Men III The Last Stand. But a word of advice, do stay till after the credits cos there'll be a small pot of gold at the end of the black and white rainbow...

The third and supposedly last installment of the X-Men saga promised more action off the ground. First flight, the introduction of Angel, with the gorgeous white wings, and pretty face and fabulous abs. Ha. Storm, Magneto, Jean Grey aka The Pheonix (and even Professor X) also take flight and are able to "hover" at least.

On that subject, I recently saw an episode of the comic on tv where Angel first sees Rogue flying and he asks her, looking bewildered and innocent, "How do you fly without wings?" I think Ben Foster captured Angel's innocence and curiosity of other mutants veryy well. A review on FIRST also commented that "the roles of Angel and Kitty Pryde have been perfectly cast". I think his pretty face helps too. Ha.. Anw, it was after the movie that I understood that its because of his father that he did not have any contact with other mutants, thus his curiosity and lack of understanding of other mutants. Angel's character is so sweet. Pity he only had a small part.

Speaking of parts, I dislike Halle Berry. Supposedly she refused to reprise her role as Storm unless she got a bigger part. Duh. Storm is such a boring character. Powerful and important no doubt, but she doesn't have an interesting story nor any special relationship with any character. Boring. And, X-Men is plural. X-men is about all the mutants. Actually I don't feel that the X-Men refers only to those fighting the good fight behind Professor X. I feel that X-Men refers to all the mutants, regardless of their alliances. It felt weird when "X-Men" came out of Wolverine's mouth just now. But somehow it's not weird coming from Professor X. Hmm. Anyway I feel X-Men is about all the mutants, whatever their stand. Both Professor X and Magneto want mutants to unite but perhaps differ in their tolerance in the ignorant mere mortals. Point here is, how can Halle Berry demand for a bigger part when her character has nothing to offer?? Of course the movie needs Storm, but even after adding more scenes for her, I still don't see why her name deserves to be on the movie poster. The name on the poster should have been Famke Janssen's. She totally stole it from her. Selfish b. Or it could have been Sir Ian McKellen's. To all the superficial shallow people who want to exclaim that he is old, Shame. Why in the world would I want to idolise some deliciously good looker without wisdom and maturity? No doubt there are talented youngsters around but I know for a fact that with experience and age they'll be even better. And that's what he is. If his being knighted for all his good works says nothing, then there is nothing I, a mere mortal, can say. And here's sticking out my tongue at you.

Back to the movie, I think I still prefer X2. X2 is so much more exciting, more action, more effects, so much cooler.. N there's Nightcrawler! He's cool. Love his powers. This third installment has a better story though. But at one point I started to hate the movie. In the battle on the island, when Wolverine, Storm and Beast, aka "furball", saw The Cure shots lying on the ground in front of them, the voices in my head sounded like this: "No, no. Don't do it! I'm going to hate you if you do it. No......" An old soft drink advertisement about this guy who climbed up the very high steps of an old temple dropping his drink down the very long way he climbed comes to mind in retrospect. Ha.. Oh man, the pain when the Beast poked Magneto with the four shots of The Cure. No...! And then I hated all of it. Cyclops died. My friend commented that the poor chap died so soon in the movie. Professor X died. Mystique lost her super cool shape shifting powers. Jean's second death was beautiful, so no regret there. It seemed as if all the great and pivotal ones had died and left the next generation in charge. Boo. What is X-Men without Professor Xavier and Magneto? I like the other characters but I like Ian McKellen more. Ha..

Ah, but the ending was sweet. That tiny little waver of the metal chesspiece at Sir Ian McKellen's index finger sent a shot of excitement and glee. What joy! I thought the last scene of Magneto in an aged home's garden sitting in front of a chess board with ivory and metal pieces was some sad poignant last look at this once great man. The sweet sweet promise of a grand comeback! Grand because you know where Magneto is concern, you can be sure he'll come back with a great big bang! That little maneuver of his, moving the entire damn bridge to join to the island is way too cool. Ha.. So in the end, I love this movie too. I love all the cheap jokes and I think the mutants are cool.

But, this is not the end. I just remembered something about the credits. Was waiting patiently through the credits for what little surprise was in store, when an open ended quote caught my eye. Beside the credits of Claw-maker was Jimmy Gawsley(or something)/Jimmy "Claws". And after that, beside Painting was Xxx "Gore" Xxx. They must have had a lot of fun making this movie. I hope my future jobs would involve having a lot of fun working in teams too.

"They wish to cure us. But I say, we are the cure."

"In chess, the pawns go first."

"Who's hiding? Dickhead."

"The whole world's going to hell, you gonna just sit there?"

Dr. Hank McCoy: My boy, I've been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws.
Logan: Did he just call me boy?

The Interrogator: Raven?
Raven Darkholme: I don't answer to my slave name.
The Interrogator: Raven Darkholme? That's your real name. Or has he convinced you that you don't have any family?
Raven Darkholme: My family tried to kill me, you pathetic meatsack.

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