Saturday, June 10, 2006

World Cup fever

Temperature here is not very high... I'm only interested in watching Germany play anyway. It's half-time now in the first match between Germany and Costa Rico and Germany scored the first goal just after 5 minutes. CR scored in 12' and Germany again in 17'. So fast. Ha.. Anw, I like Oliver Kahn from the last World Cup in 2002 but this time he's only keeper no. 2. So sad... (I think I just saw Oliver Kahn in an Adidas ad.) Was shocked and disappointed to read that he wasn't the first choice but the other guy is the same age as Kahn, 36 I think, and that's not young so I guess he deserves a chance too. Supposedly his past matches were flawless while Kahn has had 2 mistakes or something like that. As I said, I only watch Germany so I know nuts about football really. But in a friendly match between Germany and Japan about a week or so before, they tied at 2-2. Diao. How good is that goalkeeper? Oliver Kahn was so good the last World Cup. Maybe not so good in the final match, but still... He was injured after all. Second is good too... Oh well. If that guy is good then I guess Germany has very good defence, having 2 great goalkeepers.

Good luck to Germany!!

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