Friday, June 09, 2006


Last night, or rather, this morning, I dreamt that Fiona Xie committed suicide. Think somehow she was a friend in the dream. Ha. Anw, so we, in the dream, were all shocked cos we didn't know what possible reasons there could be for her to want to die so it was pretty much a mystery. I don't really remember much of the dream cos I was too tired. Was working late the last few days. But the main point here is that just now I was reading 8 Days and there was this article about a new Ch5 sitcom starring Adrian Pang and Fiona Xie. In this sitcom, Fiona Xie plays a ghost who doesn't remember how she died and/or who she was. That's a little spooky... Anw, for those interested, Adrian Pang plays a ghostbuster who helps her find out about her past and she in turn helps him in his business. It's called Maggie and Me.

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