Sunday, May 06, 2007


Just saw 草蜢 on the Ch 8 charity show. So cute. Ha.. Think they can still sing as well and can still jump around. Ha.. I meant the dancing cute, not the looks. =P The less good looking brother looks...lesser.. ha.. This clip is their 失戀陣線聯盟 which I remember my primary school band conductor made us play! I think I still have the score. Ha.. So fun... Sigh.

Oh to answer Cheryl's question, been busy tuition, learning calligraphy and with my copy course. Almost everyday is packed so I've decided to look for permanent job after the course and calligraphy classes are finished. Since I have a part time job now anyway. And it allows me to slack whenever I want. Ha.. But must earn money so must work more. Right now sorting stuff in the office because boss wants the bigger boss to give us petty cash for printing research so we won't have to use our own money first. Unfortunately that means I have to work normal office hours rather than going any time I like to the library for research. Boss bought lots of biscuits and stuff so I'm going to get fat.. Kept falling asleep last week. BUT I just bought my Samsung YP-T9 so I can listen to songs. Yay! I can listen to Hossan and Maggie in the morn liao. Yippee..

Oh while doing research for my homework I found this:

heh. still like its ending. =)

oh something(s) happened on Wed that made me very happy. If I had blogged that night I would have had "happy" all over the post. Ha.. But now not so happy liao. Sian. Oh well..

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