Tuesday, May 01, 2007

(Gay) May Day

Haven't watched cartoons for a long time.. Hoorah for holidays. Ha..

Yesterday I went for tuition half an hour earlier. How hardworking for me. Ha.. Didn't have anything to do at the office and didn't know will get there so fast. Was at the office because haven't gotten pay and previous claims for printing costs so we're broke. They better not screw up my pay this time again... Can't talk about my work because I signed an oath of secrecy. Don't know what's the big deal.. Plus, I don't know anything about the project in the first place. =P

Yesterday at tuition my student kept saying his friend (guy) very cute and showed me his class photo. Ha.. It's damn weird for a guy to say another guy cute loh. But "cute" not in the good-looking sense lah. He's his good friend. Then I kept disturbing him about his "cute" friend and he insisted that he's not gay. And accidentally blurted out that he likes somebody already. Then he went "oops". Ha.. After that he still clarified that "it's not a guy".

Talking about gay reminds me of the cute cute brother of my last p1 student. He had this guy good friend whom he always called. One day he was bored and disturbing the lesson so I told him to call his boyfriend. And then he started acting gay. So cute. Heh. Was a little surprised that an 8-year-old boy knew what gay meant. Then again, I think I knew "gay" in P3 already. But that was because I had a teacher by the name of Mrs. Gey and classmates were talking about it. That teacher damn defensive. One girl spelt her name as "Gay" and she got pissed off and clarified that it was "G-E-Y" and wrote on the blackboard. Duh.. There are people whose surnames are indeed "Gay" loh. Dunno so uptight for what.

Better be off to finish my homework...

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