Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I was looking for sad images on the net because 3 friends flew off for their grad trips today and I found these and it made me happy liao. Ha..

Damn funny and quite me, I think. Esp this one:

If these magnets don't cost S$8.81 each I might actually buy them. I do not think I have too much money..

Eh Live on Abbey Road is kinda boring today. Sian.. I liked the Damien Rice ep. Downloaded them from youtube and uploaded on my player. Yippee. Oh Love this clip:

After watching this I don't remember why I didn't think X3 was great. Ha.. But after seeing another clip I kinda remember why. Angel's part was rather disappointing. I like Jean Grey because of Famke Janssen in the movies. Halle Berry can go to hell. Don't think it would make any difference if they changed Storm loh. Dumb.

*whispers* I wanna learn elec. guit... =P Think min is going to kill me. Ha.. I keep saying I want but then no money etc.. Hai.. And no place to practise also. But I really want.. I played the music videos on my player very loudly on the bus (and in office too. Shh..) and it was damn high. Ha.. Can't find Shinedown's album in Sembawang and CD-Rama and I'm getting annoyed! I like the song by them in that clip, I Dare You.

I want to be someplace else.

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