Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm upset now

I'm sulking. For different reasons now. =( Sam died in the Ch U 10pm show...so sad... He doesn't look very nice in suit though. =P And the book I'm dying to read is/are (?) all loaned out in the national library. =( Boo! All 8 books on loan or reserved! It's the third book of the trilogy and I just finished reading the second book last night. It got me so intrigued I'm so upset that I can't get the book now! So frustrating. Been sulking since I checked online during lunch today. Boo! Don't wanna buy the book 'cos I'm a poor little girl...(who's going to be surviving on less than 2k pay for dunno-how-long).. Don't think I'll read my books again so don't see the point in buying. That's what library is for right? The library happens to earn a lot of money from me because I always forget the due dates. =P I want the book!!! I noticed the other 2 books were almost all loaned out too. And the other titles by the author were half gone. How come people are reading the same thing as me? It's not like I'm reading Harry Potter! Speaking of which, that Dolores woman in The Order of the Pheonix totally reminded me of Mrs Yellow. Such a horrible witch. And disgusting giggle! The only reason why Mrs Yellow didn't do the same things is that she is in the real world. Does anybody realise how scared the teachers are of her? Even my sec 4 form teacher who's so fierce (Throw you down from fourth floor!) is scared to death of her. One time our class was at the family lounge practising graduation dance during our civics period and Mrs Yellow passed by and looking very fierce, asked our form teacher what we were doing there. Our form teacher looked like she was going to cry loh. Anyway I think our form teacher was really just a little girl acting tough in front of us. Which is stupid, in my opinion. Oh the day after I watched the Potter movie I saw an article whose headline read: 'Beauty Queen Dolores' helps school win debate. Ha.. I just laughed loh. Neither of them likely to win a beauty contest but act like they did.

I just placed a reservation in nlb. I'm number 2! The earliest due date is 10 Aug. Such a long wait. Maybe should rent it somewhere...

Have other things to blog but I'm tired..after reading the book late into the last few nights and working every day last week. Ok, half days on Sat and Sun 'cos I had tuition so couldn't work the whole day. Actually 3 tuits were cancelled so not that bad lah. And one of the P6 sacked me and I'm very happy. Yay. Cos that one I know cannot make it. Really very weak. And the most irritating thing is that they always cancel or change the tuition just one hour before the lesson. As if I'm very free. I happen to have tuition just before theirs so I won't see the message or missed call till half an hour before their lesson. And the mum just sms me an hour before the last lesson to cancel it for good. So rude. Is it that hard to foresee at least a few hours before that you can't make it for a lesson? It happens every week loh. So irritating. Good riddance.

I want the book!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The end is near...

Today I started on the 1989 newspaper clippings and I can finally see the end of work there.. Next week I can finish the 80s and start on the 90s and maybe finish it next month and take a few weeks to finish off 2000s while finishing off the other 3 lists of microfilms.. Then I can leave in Sept and hopefully have a new job then. Just have to slog a few weeks till PSLE is over then I'll just have 2 tuition left. Hoorah. Maybe can still work on this project on weekends after PSLE too. See how sleep-deprived I'll be first..

I'll be sulking this week. If you know why then you know why. If you don't, don't annoy me more by asking.

I threatened to leave immediately if my stupid student tries to scare me again. That moron must always announce his arrival with a loud shout to scare me from behind. Damn bloody irritating. I think it's been for months already loh. Bloody hell. I told him very solemnly that the next time I will just leave. He looked rather stunned and a little worried. Never seen him look like he knows he's in trouble before. Hm.. Anyway if he does it again I can go home early so that'll be a good thing. And he'll be in big trouble. So very good. Yay. And this time he will remember not to do it again. Since I just got my pay I don't mind losing one lesson. Ha..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I just checked my mail and I saw this email that a certain person added me to her Facebook and I couldn't remember who that person is. Thinking it might be a long lost friend who acquired an English name, I registered on Facebook just to see who it is. I don't even remember having a friend by that surname loh. Turns out it's this girl from aki whom I've never even spoken to. How did she get my email in the first place?? How do I "unbefriend" her? This is the reason why I cancelled my Friendster account loh. People adding me just to expand their list of "friends". Not that I was "popular", but had enough requests from people I don't even talk to. It's dumb loh. Like some popularity contest.

Anyway I wanted to blog about something, to vomit out all my frustrations about somebody, to that somebody, but decided against it. Maybe next time when I'm in the mood again.

After reading wb's old gangbook I feel like writing too! The above somebody isn't from the gang, by the way. I was trying to sleep just now but isn't sleepy at all leh. I read the book before trying to sleep and I felt like I was going to go back st nicks tomorrow. Ha.. Not for lessons, but to hang around in the family lounge with you guys. St Nicks minus science lessons, Mrs Yellow and illnesses would have been the most fun I've had, I think. Probably need to minus more things too, but I don't really remember now. Unhappy things are better left forgotten.

Going to change the skin soon. Don't like this puny one... Sister, you supposed to tell me how to change the background loh..

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


You join millions of others taking action to combat the climate crisis. Look for your name on July 7th on the screens at the concerts, online at www.liveearth.msn.com and on the global TV broadcasts! After 7/7/07 we'll display your name and commitments at www.LiveEarth.org. Forward this email to your friends and increase your impact!

I signed the Live Earth pledge and just saw the email they sent. Cool! So many people going to see my name. Ha.. Only I don't remember what name I used. Ha..

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Answer the call

One of my favourite blogs to kaypoh: http://claycenterblooms.blogspot.com/
She takes really nice pictures. Her family looks fun... I wish I were related to her. =P Her nephew recently got married and the whole extended family had a "photo day". So fun!


Wear green on 7th and 8th July! Apparently ch5 is showing the Live Earth concert 24 hours! I wish I can watch all 24 hours but...cheryl's comm is on 8th afternoon... =(
Oh I think can watch it online after the event. Yay.. Mediacorp is changing all their logos green on 7th Jul. Cool. But the ch U one looks really ugly. =P Go green also can choose nicer shades of green right?