Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The end is near...

Today I started on the 1989 newspaper clippings and I can finally see the end of work there.. Next week I can finish the 80s and start on the 90s and maybe finish it next month and take a few weeks to finish off 2000s while finishing off the other 3 lists of microfilms.. Then I can leave in Sept and hopefully have a new job then. Just have to slog a few weeks till PSLE is over then I'll just have 2 tuition left. Hoorah. Maybe can still work on this project on weekends after PSLE too. See how sleep-deprived I'll be first..

I'll be sulking this week. If you know why then you know why. If you don't, don't annoy me more by asking.

I threatened to leave immediately if my stupid student tries to scare me again. That moron must always announce his arrival with a loud shout to scare me from behind. Damn bloody irritating. I think it's been for months already loh. Bloody hell. I told him very solemnly that the next time I will just leave. He looked rather stunned and a little worried. Never seen him look like he knows he's in trouble before. Hm.. Anyway if he does it again I can go home early so that'll be a good thing. And he'll be in big trouble. So very good. Yay. And this time he will remember not to do it again. Since I just got my pay I don't mind losing one lesson. Ha..

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