Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I just checked my mail and I saw this email that a certain person added me to her Facebook and I couldn't remember who that person is. Thinking it might be a long lost friend who acquired an English name, I registered on Facebook just to see who it is. I don't even remember having a friend by that surname loh. Turns out it's this girl from aki whom I've never even spoken to. How did she get my email in the first place?? How do I "unbefriend" her? This is the reason why I cancelled my Friendster account loh. People adding me just to expand their list of "friends". Not that I was "popular", but had enough requests from people I don't even talk to. It's dumb loh. Like some popularity contest.

Anyway I wanted to blog about something, to vomit out all my frustrations about somebody, to that somebody, but decided against it. Maybe next time when I'm in the mood again.

After reading wb's old gangbook I feel like writing too! The above somebody isn't from the gang, by the way. I was trying to sleep just now but isn't sleepy at all leh. I read the book before trying to sleep and I felt like I was going to go back st nicks tomorrow. Ha.. Not for lessons, but to hang around in the family lounge with you guys. St Nicks minus science lessons, Mrs Yellow and illnesses would have been the most fun I've had, I think. Probably need to minus more things too, but I don't really remember now. Unhappy things are better left forgotten.

Going to change the skin soon. Don't like this puny one... Sister, you supposed to tell me how to change the background loh..

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