Sunday, September 02, 2007

Animations Galore

Wakko is so so cute. =) His voice reminds me of somebody but I can't remember who. Hmm.....

I like the ending of that. I wanted to get but it's been taken. And abandoned for years! Boo. And wordpress requires at least 4 letters. Sigh.

I feel like watching all the cartoons I've watched and liked.

Tiny Toons
Looney Tunes
FernGully (My kindergarten teachers took four of us to watch the movie. =) Of course I was one of them. Four teachers chose one each. Blatant favouritism! Ha..)
Little Mermaid
Aladdin (All)
Sleeping Beauty
Bananas in Pyjamas
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Conan the Adventurer
Captain Planet

and all those on the right of the screen. Basically any animated movie I like to watch. Except anime. I don't dislike them, I'm just not interested in all of them. Not interested in Final Fantasy, thank you.

Remember singing this in St Nicks for some assembly thing.. And Fiona telling me to sing louder... (...)

I don't understand either, but I remember. =P

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