Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Insane. Unhinged. Demented.

I sometimes feel like I'm that doctor and my students are Yakko, Wakko and Dot. !!! Super pek cek! Ha..

Doc: What's on your mind?
Wakko: My hat?
Doc: No, that's on your head. What's on your mind?
Wakko: Oh I got it! My hair!
Doc: Your hair is on your head. This is hair! This is hair! (pulls out a bunch of hair) It is not on my mind, it is on. my. head!
Wakko: No, it's in your hand.
Doc: ...!!

I have too little hair to pull out. Ha.. My student recently found a white hair. Actually his friend spotted it and told him. And he was whining about it as usual. Kept asking me to find it for him so he can run to the mirror to see it. Boy's hair is short loh. So he keep losing it and running back. It's funny and quite annoying. Ha.. I threatened to pull it out so he left me alone.

2 weeks of mad tuition rush...

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