Saturday, September 01, 2007

I just watched Anger Management. Damn funny. Ha.. This my favourite scene:

After which I felt very much like watching West Side Story. Ha.. And found the film (?) version. Quite cute too.

I still prefer Adamn Sandler's rendition. =) More people feeling pretty:

Little Mermaid is the prettiest.

Was a bit high from watching Animaniacs in office on youtube yesterday. =P They are so cute. So funny. Wanted to rent their DVDs but as expected, the store didn't have so I got Anger Management. Missed it on Ch5 last year because went Bangkok. Oops, been a whole year. Animaniacs cured my depression. Okay, not quite. More like obsession shift. Aiyoh the book got me depressed for two weeks. Actually the book ending a bit anti-climatic. But something else was too much of a distraction.


Animaniacs is damn cute. =P

This is "Goodnight Everybody":

In case you didn't watch it, Yakko says Goodnight whenever somebody says something "rude". Reminds me of the time I always say Good Morning. =)

Yesterday the girl from spectacle shop called me to tell me my specs are ready and that she would be "tomorrow", which is today. Ahem. The back story is that I went on Monday to collect my specs and the guy took about...45min to adjust the nosebridge thing and shorten the uh.. the only thing on the specs that can be shortened lah. Most of the time was spent adjusting the nose pad 'cos I keep telling him the left one is too close to the eye. He adjust adjust, still too close loh. But he said it looks parallel. Then finally adjust till it's comfortable for me and he also think is parallel then I asked something about the "stick-thing" and he explained something about my temple very short so have to shorten a lot etc etc and then he adjusted the stick-thing. Alamak. So the nose pads not balanced again. When he tried to adjust it again, he accidentally cracked the lens. Thank you very much. I ended up 40 min late for tuition and didn't have my spectacles. But I wasn't angry lah. Not urgent to get the specs and the place is not inconvenient from work. I was just glad it wasn't the lame-o guy whom we met when I bought the specs. That guy is really..............not funny. Anyway that girl obviously knew what happened and was very amused. =P I think that guy said something about his first time tending to customer and took so long. So maybe he's new. Really very long... But when the girl checked my eyes it took quite long too 'cos I'm very troublesome so partly my fault too lah.

Good Morning!

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