Thursday, January 29, 2009

I was surfing around for my "musique blog" and found some cool Juno stuff. =) How do I make an emoticon with a wider grin than that? If you click on the "ears" tab you can see some videos of Juno songs. They're really cute. The songs. And so's this (if it works):

Found here. I read in one of the youtube video comments that this commenter went to school with her. Why don't I have cool schoolmates like that? =P Oh I think I saw a pri sch classmate at lunch today. She didn't see me though. I met her in NUS few years ago so I know she remembers me.

I had put more of the jargon jenerator but they seem to all play the same clip so I'm putting the whole thing here.

When I previewed it it sounded like lots of Junos talking at the same time. Reminded me of Agent Smiths. Ha..

I think I fixed the code.. But they'd end up talking at the same time. Dang. Click on "fo shizz" yourself k?

I uploaded a few songs from the soundtrack into my phone and set one as my ringtone. I was listening to my mp3 player while walking to buy dinner and suddenly I was wondering why I was hearing 2 songs playing at the same time. Haha..

Oo I just found Juno hamburger phone widget.. I'm so going to get a hamburger phone. I think the funniest scene is where the father asked Juno who's the father and when she told him, he made a face and went, "Really?", like it's a damn weird choice and her best friend got excited and went, "Yeah! I know, right?" And Juno looked annoyed like, what's wrong with him? You have to watch it.

Yes, I'm obsessed and I care not!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

In other news

I really hope wonderous things happen under Obama to prove naysayers, racist or otherwise, wrong. Coming from a person who knows next to nothing about politics and economics, I think him inspiring people to want to work harder and be better people is perhaps just as important as all the policy stuff.

Remember Me

Remember Me

To the living, I am gone
To the sorrowful, I will never return
To the angry, I was cheated
But to the happy, I am at peace
And to the faithful, I have never left
I cannot speak, but I can listen
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard
So as you stand upon the shore
Gazing at the beautiful sea, remember me
As you look in awe at a mighty forest
And its grand majesty, remember me
Remember me in your hearts,
In your thoughts, and the memories of the
Times we loved, the times we cried, the
Battles we fought and the times we laughed
For if you always think of me, I will
Have never gone.


I was searching online for images and read a bit more about Heath L. and got sad again.. I think we were cheated of a talent. I hope remembering him does inspire me to not settle for mediocrity and make the most of myself. And I should do whatever I want that makes me happy, even if other people disagree. Screw them. Oh I wore all black and my joker card earrings today in remembrance. There are people I think who deserve to go more than him.. =X

Monday, January 19, 2009


I was reading somebody's blog yesterday and she was talking about how she had her email add since she was 14 and she was looking at her old emails. I so want to look at my old emails! But my oldest emails are only from 2004 and most of them were just some forwarded mails. I can't remember any of my passwords to my old emails. I wanted to login to my neopets account but I can't remember the password and I can't even remember which email add I used to sign up for it. Urgh. Damn. Damn damn damn.. I had so many points and stuff in that account.

I lost internet connection for several months in Sec2 and lost contact with a couple people I had been emailing. I can't even remember some of their names. Oops. =P IRC was actually quite fun for talking to random-and-yet-not-so-random people..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It has oddly really felt like a new year

I can't believe my first post of the year was so boliao.. Oh well.

Fyi, since I just read the last comment, if you want to find a post containing something, you can type the keywords in the box on the top left corner of the blog and click search blog.

I was out with a friend, "Dawn", today and we were talking about getting English names. I bug people to get and yet I don't use one. =P I think I want somebody to do it with me. Ha.. I can't really decide on a name anyway but non-Chinese people really have trouble remembering my name so it's sometimes frustrating. Plus even Chinese people mishear my name. Somehow I can't bring myself to tell people verbally to call me Ye. It sounds too happy. =S It's just that it might be a little difficult to get used to another name. I was thinking about calling myself Tiny. Ha.. Many people like to call or refer to me as the small one but Small doesn't sound like a name. "Tiny" at least sounds a bit more name-like. But do I really want people who work under me in future (obviously in future) to call me that? Maybe I can spell it as Tyni..? Does that look like it's pronounced tee-nee?

On my way home I saw a couple of things that we talked about earlier and I felt like I was in the movie Bedtime Stories. The Adam Sandler movie where the bedtime stories his nephew and niece come up with happen in real life. I saw a cat in my neighbourhood, which had been almost completely devoid of cats for almost a month. The cats downstairs disappeared too. I quite missed them. And in my block's void deck, somebody was cutting a girl's hair. As in a proper haircut with the proper cloth thing that keeps the hair away from your clothes etc. ??? It was kinda weird..

Last of all, I'm very happy Heath Ledger won the best supporting actor in the Golden Globes for his role of Joker in The Dark Knight. Unfortunately I didn't watch the award show because I had a cold and went to bed early. I wore my "gambling" earrings which had on each side a dice and 2 cards, the top one being the Joker card and the back one an Ace to celebrate his win. I hope he wins the Oscar too because I think he deserves to win at least one Oscar. ...I hope I didn't just jinx it..

Thursday, January 08, 2009

A pointless post

I suddenly remembered a pri sch classmate's name and searched her on facebook and amazingly I did find her. I think she's a doctor now. Well, she was only the smartest girl in school. But I thought she'd study overseas though. Oh but the most surprising thing is that we have a mutual friend! It's just somebody from aki I don't really talk to though. Ok the end. Night..