Monday, March 23, 2009

Curious findings

I noticed something at the office. Sitting at the pantry area was a glass-bowl-ful of sweets. I had a smaller glass bowl of sweets at my desk before I left on my long leave. I guess they missed my candy bowl enough to copy me. Hehheh.

Stumbled upon (clicking on links in blogs) this website "Stuff White People Like" and it looks interesting enough. There was this post about tattoos that White People like and this link to a website dedicated to "fingerstache". Hadn't even heard of it. =P People have tattoos of mustaches on their finger(s) so they can put it to their faces to look like they have mustaches. So funny. Ha..

Oh that reminds me of a story I heard on the radio a long time ago. There was this angmoh guy in America or somewhere who wanted to get a tattoo of his name in Chinese so he went to a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown and asked the Chinese restauranteur to help him translate his name. So the Chinese guy writes down the Chinese characters on a piece of paper for him. Angmoh guy goes and gets the tattoo. Few years later, the angmoh guy went to Thailand (or some asian country with beaches) and while on the beach, he noticed people laughing at him. Yah, obviously something to do with the tattoo right? Somebody ended his bewilderment by telling him his tattoo reads "可口可乐" (Coca Cola if you can't read the Chinese characters). Chinese guy with a sense of humour. Haha..

Oh I just read something super funny on e White People blog:

The second type of white person travel is Third World. This is when they venture to Thailand, Africa or South America. Some do it so that they can one up the white people who only go to Europe.

But like with Europe, white people like to believe they are the first white people to make this trip. As such, they should be recognized as special and important individuals.

That’s right, by going to a country, riding around on a bus or train, staying at a hotel or hostel and eating - they are doing something important for the world.

If a white person shows up in your country, you can make them feel fantastic by saying how you’ve never seen a white person before, and that you are amazed by their iPod - “a device that plays many songs? impossible!”

They might give it to you, then you can sell it for profit. Repeat as necessary.

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