Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New white stuff

Just started using my new white LG viewty. =) But don't know why its bluetooth won't connect to my comp. And I'm using a new 3G sim card so all my contacts are still in my old phone. I've only added a few contacts because I'm not used to the touchscreen yet. Am I supposed to format my microSD card first? Bah will try again tomorrow..

The other new white stuff is my super expensive white double neck guitar that a stranger bought for me on fb's rock legends. Heh.. It's the most expensive guitar available there and I had only been able to afford the second most expensive one. What a generous stranger. Ha..

Sigh..wish I can play with my phone.. Oh yah another new thing that's half white is my new pouch that I bought for my new phone.. It's white with green stripes and reminds me of Juno. =)

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