Thursday, April 16, 2009

I wanna be a ROCK STAR!

I just watched Cats the musical. =D It's better than I expected because I saw it on TV several years ago and thought it was a little boring. Might have only watched a little of that because I don't remember much from that. Just cats singing..

BUT, obviously I have changed my mind. Ha.. There's this rock star cat that was awesome and which everybody loved because everybody was cheering for him. Haha.. Couldn't catch his name in his song so I call him the rock star cat. His song just kept going blah blah blah blah is a curious cat. But he's very obviously a rock star. And a very confident one too. Ha.. Of course I've checked online and found out his name.

Rum Tum Tugger is a ROCK STAR cat!
(Broadway cast of Cats performing live on the Today Show)

When I was watching it in the theatre I really felt like screaming like a crazed fan. Haha.. I think that was the point of having that little screaming cat towards the end. To scream for the audience so they won't have people screaming in there. =)

That was David Hibbard as Rum Tum Tugger. Watch the clip before reading the next sentence please.. Didn't notice the snorting till I read the comments. The comments said the John Partridge was better in the film version of it so I went to find it.

I think the first one seems closer to what I heard in the musical. I guess film is just different. I'm a very loyal person so I think my favourite will still be the one I just saw at Esplanade. Ha.. I have no idea who he is!! I searched online and found nothing. Only this website that has a list of performers of Rum Tum Tugger. I'm not sure the one for Singapore is the current one. I couldn't find anything about that actor online. Anyway since I was sitting so far from the stage, I might have made him better looking in my mind. Ha.. Urgh but I want to know who he is!!

There was another cat song that I like, about McCavity the mystery cat:
(Macavity aus dem Cats-Video © Really Useful Group)

This seems very close to what we saw just now.

Macavity! Macavity's a mystery cat
He's called the Hidden Paw
For he's a master criminal who can defy the law
He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard
The Flying Squad's despair
For when they reach the scene of crime Macavity's not there!

Anyways, wikipedia says
Andrew Lloyd Webber has stated that the part of the Tugger is intended to be an homage to Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones. This homage is apparent in the way he moves on stage in the original Gillian Lynne choreography and the costume styling. His type of cat was said to be Maine Coon, because of his wild mane and being portrayed as being much bigger than the other cats. According to his song, he apparently would do pretty much anything to annoy his owners.

So I was right to call him rock star cat. Ha.. But that was obvious lah.

He is considered the ladies cat, and the rebel of the group. He loves the limelight, while at the same time he enjoys being seen as an individual by separating himself a little from the pack.

Yupyup I noticed that most of the time he is alone (yah looking at him a lot. ha..) but he joins the others for some of the dancing too. There was this part where some other stuff was going on in the centre and the cats were just sitting around watching. He was sitting on this big pipe and a groupie cat was kneeling beside him and erm pawing him. Ha.. He just flirted with her a little and let her play with his tail. Think she eventually fainted or something. I like how all the cats stayed in character and just did their own thing at the side. Like playing with each other like real cats. The story wasn't that fantastic, just bits and pieces of stories, but the music was great and the dancing and jumping around. And I love my haughty rock star cat. Ha.. But his part is a little more tiring because I noticed that he seldom sits down (because standing up is easier to show attitude) while most of the other cats could sit or sprawl on the floor. Well, at least he doesn't need to be doing somersaults. Having an attitude is still easier than that. =)

Ohoh, it would be very worth it to get the front row seats because you'll get a lot of interaction with the cats. Tum Rum Tugger got down and danced with a lady. Afterward, he got down again and shook hands with some people too. Other cats were all over the place too. Towards the end of the interval he was on stage with some of his groupies flaunting his stuff. Ha.. Before the show the usher was telling us during the interval the cats would come out for us to take photos. Didn't realise it would be a mini-show. Thought it would be the actors and not the characters. Unfortunately we were too far to take any good shots. =(

There was this part where all the lights went out. It was after the interval and I hadn't seen my rock star cat since the interval. I whispered; "Where's my rock star cat?" When the lights came back, there he was! Ha.. Boliao..

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

If you offer me pheasant, I'd rather have grouse
If you put me in a house, I would much prefer a flat
If you put me in a flat, I would rather have a house
If you set me on a mouse, then I only want a rat
If you set me on a rat, then I'd rather chase a mouse

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

And there isn't any need for me to shout it

For he will do as he do do

And there's nothing doing about it

The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore

When you let me in, then I want to go out
I'm always on the wrong side of every door
And as soon as I'm at home, then I'd like to get about
I like to lie in the bureau drawer
And I make such a fuss if I can't get out

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

And there isn't any need for you to doubt it

For he will do as he do do

And there's no doing anything about it

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast

My disobliging ways are a matter of habit
If you offer me fish, then I always want a feast
When there isn't any fish, then I won't eat rabbit
If you offer me cream, then I sniff and sneer
For I only like what I find for myself
So you'll catch me in it right up to my ears
If you put it away on the larder shelf

The Rum Tum Tugger is artful and knowing
The Rum Tum Tugger

Doesn't care for a cuddle
But I'll leap upon your lap in the middle of your sewing
For there's nothing I enjoy like a horrible muddle!

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
The Rum Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

And there isn't any need for me to spout it

For he will do as he do do

And there's no doing anything about it!

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