Sunday, April 26, 2009

Little Children

Ah, Les Choristes was on Okto tonight, or Saturday night. *clapclapclap* But Seed of Chucky was on Ch 5 and Billy Boyd voiced the "Seed" and there's no way I'll even borrow it to watch because it's disgusting and I know I will eventually buy Les Choristes so I decided to watch Seed of Chucky and Les Choristes during the commercials. In the end I didn't really finish watching Seed of Chucky because, again, it's disgusting, Billy Boyd didn't really have that big a part and actually, I might have seen the ending and there might not have been much after that commercial break.

So I watched the last parts of Les Choristes and ah, it is so good! Made me cry. *sniff* And inspired me to revise my french. There was a french girl from Paris in class the other day and my teacher itchy mouth asked me how to say some colours in french. Lucky I remember most of them. Phew. Except green actually. Which is rather ironic because that's the colour of my new hair extensions. Ha..

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I saw this link on the origin of the Red Riding Hood. A little disturbing.. Actually very disturbing to me. Didn't really need that after watching Seed of Chucky.. But it's quite interesting. I love knowing the dark underlying meanings of children's stories/rhymes/etc. Which is why I love The Pillowman.

... once upon a time, there was a woman who had baked some bread. she told her daughter, a young girl, to go to her grandmother with a warm bread and a bottle of milk. the girl left. at a crossroad, she met the wolf, who asked her where she was going. 'i'm going to my grandmother with a warm bread and a bottle of milk'. 'which road will you take? this road, or that road?' asked the wolf. 'i will take this road', the girl answered. 'good, then i will take that one'.

the wolf gets to the grandmother first, kills her, puts some of her flesh in the pantry and a bottle of her blood on a shelf.
enters the girl.
the wolf asks her to eat the flesh and drink the wine (blood), which she does, unknowingly that she cannibalises her own grandmother.
the wolf then asks the girl to undress and get into bed with him. when she asks where to put her clothes, which is mentioned one by one item, she is told to throw them into the fire because she won't be needing them anymore.
well into bed, the girl questions grandma's unusual looks; hairy, broad shouldered. she asks why he has such a big mouth, and he gives the answer we all know; 'to better be able to eat you'.


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