Saturday, April 25, 2009


Just watched Survivor. I knew there was a possibility that Tyson would be voted out but watching it happen, I couldn't help laughing out loud. Ha.. He is a jerk.. And Coach is a little psychotic. Sierra's weird too, though. But..they're all still kinda interesting to watch.

Anyways, I borrowed The Pillowman, the play by Martin McDonagh, from the esplanade library before work and I've already finished it because it's SO DAMN GOOD! Extremely twisted, but really, really good. There's this part about a little girl swallowing razors and I couldn't bear to swallow while I read it. Urgh. Disturbing but I like that it has many stories within it and I like the themes of the stories. The play was so good in 2007.** When I read it I could imagine the actors playing the characters onstage. Except this guy whom I haven't seen before the play. But especially Adrian Pang and Michael Corbidge. I wanna watch it again... Shall buy the book.

**Was looking it up online and realised that it was brought back by popular demand last year Mar-Apr. Damn.. How come I didn't hear about it at all?

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